Thursday, August 13, 2020

Artifact Showcase: Capital Transit Employee Passes

 Capital Transit Company Employee Passes

This weekend, August 15 and 16, would have been two significant events at the Trolley Museum - the 83 anniversary of the arrival of PCC street cars in Washington, and 50 years since DC Transit 766 (Capital Traction 27) began operation at the museum.

Although we were forced to cancel these programs due to our COVID-19 closure, we are pleased to offer a series of virtual activities in lieu of these events, beginning with today's artifact showcase (Join us on Facebook this Friday, August 14 for additional information on the activities we will be releasing in celebration of these important transit anniversaries.)

From the collection of our social media administrator is this pair of employee passes issued to G.S. Godfrey and J.C. Johnson in 1946 and 1944, respectively. Transit employees received transportation privileges as an employment benefit, much like those working in transit receive today. These passes were issued to employees to permit free travel. In present times, most transit employees simply present their company-issued I.D. badge to receive free travel - needless to say, those badges are likely much more plain in appearance than these card stock passes.